Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A match?

Did I just meet the man of my dreams?!

While at Starbucks, I just ordered my traditional complex drink. Once the drink was ready, the barista rattled off the order and this guy about my age swooped in and grabbed my drink. I stood baffled. He must have noticed me crouching in on his personal space because it caused him to check the name on the cup. As he handed me my beloved latte, I gently pointed out that it is a very specific drink and couldn't possibly have been for him, to which he replied that the order was nearly identical to his, excluding the name, of course.

With my luck, I bet his name starts with an "E."


Anonymous said...

Well... did you get his number? What about e-mail or myspace? (I'm guessing, though, that if you didn't snag his name, you probably don't have the necessary digits, either.)

Unknown said...

"Hey baby, nice latte. What's your MySpace?"

Hmm.....I don't have what it takes.

Jerry said...

Ya. Did you let dream boy escape? Why? Please write us a post about this and why. "It all happened so fast," is OK, too.

Anonymous said...

More importantly, did you notice a ring on his finger?

- john said...

TWO picky (I mean complex) people together??

stay will never work.

Anonymous said...

Glory girl! You need a balance for a mate! I think your writing is hilarious but don't work so hard! God will bring the right person at the right time, but then, you KNOW that. The real question is...are you ready to be flexible enough for a life-long relationship? What if you meet the PERFECT person, but then it requires that you cook, be spontaneous, or heaven forbid...change brands of coffee? Contemplate ...could you do this?

Brandi said...

Did that really happen or is it the first scene of the last movie you saw?

Too funny,