I am rarely at a loss for words. Yet, sailing this weekend left me speechless. And so, Captain John, I salute you--for when the crew was busy bailing water out of the boat, you never once spilled your Diet Coke (excuse me, Coke Zero). And when one "extra" screw was discovered, your pocket was a ready container. No need to trouble ourselves in finding where it might need to go. As if these qualities were not enough, I admire your ability to spiritualize any situation. Because it's always helpful to tell people who are terrified in a boat that the disciples had it much worse than they did. (thank you for not trying to walk on water). Finally, please never lose your ability to smile and say, "Whew. We made it." Trust me, it is very reassuring.
I applaud the character development employed with the protagonist. However, I would have found the story more compelling, had the story included liberal use of pirates.
Karin, Your funny! :-)
Thank you, Karin. And I salute you too -- for even though you were curled up in the fetal position the entire trip, no ill word was uttered. And, even though your side of the boat was sinking, and water gushed in, you stood your ground and calmly shoved sliced apples in you mouth.
You are a true champion!
Wow. Such prose. How can the next day have turned out so opposite....well, with the exception of mass quantities of apple slices consumed. So is it really a stress behavior or simply an everyday obsession? Note to self - figure Karin out.
Re. John's pic: World, say hello to my new wallpaper!!!!
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