Thursday, January 5, 2006


my evening internet perusing consisted of planning a Sunday afternoon trip to the Orlando Holocaust Museum, checking out Bodies: the Exhibition in Tampa, and figuring out how much it will cost to go to the Planetarium.

i've also managed to organize and color code all drawers, closets, and refrigerator shelves in the apartment.

and as the crock-pot meal was simmering away, my sister called and said i was a kid away from being a stay-at-home mom.


Jon said...

crockpot meal... wait a minute... YOU COOKED??!?!?!

Amanda Lomonaco said...

How does PB&J taste from the crockpot? Sounds sick to me.

Jeremy said...

Wow, sounds like you've got a full plate of activities. Although now that it sounds like you just quit, you're going to have plenty of time on your hands to do these various day-long excursions. Would you prefer a weekday or weekend for the Tampa exhibit, and are you looking at the planetarium there too, or elsewhere?