Tuesday, July 4, 2006

flying America West

Setting the Scene: The gate attendant has called for certain rows to board. The plane has almost entirely boarded already and there are exactly 3 people in line, in this order: (1) curly haired guy (2) Karin (3) Andrea.

Curly haired guy: [hands boarding pass to lady]
America West attendant: [loudly] "I'm sorry sir, but this is group 5. We have NOT called your group to board yet"
Curly: "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice." [then steps aside] [Karin marches forward]


America West attendant: [walks to intercom, pulls down walkie-talkie and announces] "We are NOW boarding groups 4 AND 5"
Karin: [tries to hand her boarding pass, but is motioned away by controlling American West attendant]
Curly: Re-hands lady the same boarding pass from 3 seconds ago and then walks on plane.
Karin (to America West Attendant): "Um....did that really just happen?"
America West nazi: [none too pleased]


Jeremy said...

You never fail to make our lives seem normal and simple in comparison to yours.

Amanda Lomonaco said...

I just flew America West, too. We were delayed in Phoenix for 30 minutes (couldn't even board) because they were "missing" a flight attendant. It made my already late departure even later and I didn't get home until almost midnight. They seemed very second rate, the planes made strange sounds, unnerving alarms were going off, you had to pay $5 for a little sandwich. Glad that we both made it to our destinations and home again!

annette said...

wow, sounds like that scene from "meet the parents"...

running shoes said...

i'm just happy that you had the guts to say something. i would have been stewing quietly