Apparently, my mom is trying to kill me by witholding very important information, such as, "Karin, you are very allergic to lettuce." We're talking the kind of throat-close-up-have-difficulty-breathing kind of allergy.
Being healthy is entirely overrated.
Sorry to hear you are allergic to lettuce.
I'm personally allergic to jogging. Thankfully I figured it out at a young age.
Health is overrated.
Oh please, you just want attention.
Are you being serious? And if not, then how did you find out?
So things always look a little more dramatic in print. You guys should be used to that by now. Sheesh!
To answer your question Jill, I was at a banquet last week -- the kind of banquet where they serve fancy lettuce -- and I found out when I ate it, my mouth went dry, my throat was closing in, and thankfully Jess gave me Benadryl. Of course, everyone there thought I was allergic to the flowers and not the food (BECAUSE WHO IS ALLERGIC TO LETTUCE???), so the waiters promptly removed the beautiful flower arrangement.
I found out this week that my mom had the very same allergic reaction when she was at a fancy dinner a few years ago.
I guess we're just not a silver spoon in our mouths kind of family....
WOW! That's incredible! Wonder if it is a lettuce that is closely related to like a grass or something. Are you ok with simple romaine?
I am so glad you got benadryl quickly.
That happened to me 10 yrs ago with Shrimp! I remember thinking, "what is happening?" My tongue swelled all up and I couldn't swallow real well.
Not fun.
I haven't read about the lettuce yet, but it's the pokey looking kind.
I'm fine with Romaine....other than the fact that it's lettuce and not a better crunchy food like, say, French Fries
you're allergic to lettuce? you weirdo. its practically all water.
I know someone who is allergic to water. She can't shower. Could be worse, but pretty weird.
Are we being a wee bit melodramatic today? Just think about it this way...if you did not share the wonderful activities of your life with your mother, you might have NEVER found out that there could be an alergy. However, one can not really find out if there are food alergies, when one has such a limited diet. So, keep expanding your horizons...but keep benadryl with you. (Just do not fall asleep in your soup!)
Oh. Watch out for the "Field Greens" ~ Radiccio or possibly Arugula. Most likely Radiccio.
You shall keep me laughing throughout my old age! Keep writing!
you eat lettuce?
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