I went sailing this weekend in Winter Park, the second greatest spot in Florida (the first being Windermere). Now Jim, since I know you are reading, you will be pleased to know that I did not ask if there was enough gas. However, my first safety check was to ensure we had a good solid oar. (It was used).
The thing about sailing is that you have to want it. Every screw, every knot, every mast--you have to tighten, pull, and hoist those suckers. And when you're on the water, there's no falling asleep. Nope, you've got to be on top of your game, otherwise someone might switch the sail on you and knock you in the head. But the beauty of sailing is that it's worth it. Every last concussion. Because when you're on the water and its rhythmic lapping lulls you into forgetting that underneath you are thousands of alligators, every single care in the world goes away.
I also learned a valuable lesson. Sailing is a lot more fun with wind. Don't get me wrong--floating along with the current is amazing and restorative and relaxing. But once you catch the wind, once you feel its power carry you across the water, it's a moment that can only be experienced.
I don't often feel my faith. But Saturday afternoon was different. The magic hour of 4:45 when the winds picked up, all I could think about were the lyrics Jesus, be my center. Be the wind in these sails, be the reason that I live, be my source, be my guide, Jesus. He carries you. There were a few times I got scared (I scare easily), but the fear was always followed by a cool breeze. It's a poor analogy, but I'm learning that walking with Jesus is a lot like sailing. You have to want it, sometimes the still waters restore your soul and sometimes the winds kick when you least expect them, but He is always the guide. Always.
You sailor. You know, I almost sent you a message on Facebook about this.
I did a lot of sailing growing up. I've got stories. But once, we had no wind either and we just sat there. But thankfully a friend showed up with a jet ski. No need to drop anchor so we took turns. It was fun.
David, you use facebook? Pshaw.
whoa...all that was going through your head while we were in the sailboat?? I just thought there was a lull in the conversation. Well done, karin!! I like the way you think.
Karin, what a beautiful image and example. I love that hymn. The photo of you is a really pretty one. Great lighting. You look so happy and relaxed. I hope to try sailing, too, someday.
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