Monday, January 2, 2012

Year in Review

I just closed the books on 2011, but this newfangled world of computers really means I clicked out of a browser. It's quite anti-climatic, really. And if you follow me on twitter (and really, you should) then you would already know that I purchased 38 lbs of Dunkin Donuts coffee last year which is roughly the equivalent of one pound a week for 38 weeks. But what is really noteworthy here is that I documented each and every purchase for the entire year. This means I can tell you every time I bought brussel sprouts. Or toilet paper. Or off-brand Splenda, because really kids, it tastes the same.

So in the spirit of recapping the minutia, a walk down 2011 lane.....


I got last place and lost my neck brace in the process
  • Spent Valentines weekend in New York City which is terribly romantic, a la Sleepless in Seattle, except it was a girls only weekend and I missed my flight home by exactly one minute and I haven't forgiven Delta because they closed the cabin door early
  • Went zip lining in Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Drove a race car in Indy 
  • Said goodbye to my amazing Grandaddy
  • Royal Wedding!!! Yes, I woke up to watch it. Yes, I downloaded the Royal Wedding iPad app. Yes, I follow religiously. 
What happens when a company doesn't take electronic payment
  • Fulfilled a life long dream by watching a theatre production of The Sound of Music! (I dream small)
  • Paid my home insurance (5/23) the old fashioned way 
  • Casey Anthony Trial. My second most popular post of all time was The Daily Casey
  • Celebrated Ann Curry as the new co-anchor with Matt Lauer on the Today show!
  • Road trip to Charleston, South Carolina with my mom to celebrate dear friends getting married
  • Parallel parked in between existing cars for the first time. And only time. Boy was that stressful.
  • Watched the final launch in shuttle history
  • Tuned in to for way too long to watch the landing of Atlantis
  • Toured San Francisco with my dear friend Amanda and then went to WordCamp SF (and I still use Blogger, so clearly not the impact the conference was going for). 
  • First trip to India!! Still don't have words for that trip. Amazing. Life altering. 
  • Started a Tango class. Oh yes. I like strappy heels. I love to dance. And the very last line of this post is the best sentence I've ever written. 
  • Pumpkin oatmeal at every turn
  • This is my least favorite month. Always. 
  • Thailand. Again. Watched the very last Harry Potter movie on the flight without seeing most of the previous ones. Not a smart decision. 
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  • Ran a half marathon
  • Bought Christmas cards and stamps for nearly everyone I know. Wrote one card. Never mailed it.
  • Bought supplies to make homemade treats for my neighbors. Twice. Returned the supplies twice. 
  • Spent a week with my lovely family in Nashville and did not ride a horse or go country line dancing.

And there you have it. 2011 in review. But wait, there's more! In future posts you'll get the book list, the decisions list, and the oh-so-important 2012 strategic plan for a man which I will need your help with. Clearly. Since I started this in 2008. 

Question of the day: Do you have a year in review post? Share your link! I'd love to read it!


Judi-CAJ said...

2012. You should write more often. Delighted that I got to travel with you. Twice. Great fun! Praying for the man, but only the right one, for you are worthy of nothing less than the best. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I do have a year in review post and it's creatively titled "A Year in Review" - where do I come up with this stuff?
Can't wait to follow you on Twitter!

Un Till said...

I guess I could call this a year in review:

AskThePhatMan said...
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AskThePhatMan said...

AskThePhatMan said...

This is as close as I get to a year in review. And it stinks.