Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cologne, Part 2

I've been doing blind smell tests all day. I'm beginning to think it's deodorant.

Also, Ikea sells 50 cent hot dogs (another way to win my heart).

Does this make me cheap?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

man smells

An open question to my male readers, particularly:

Tonight was the third experience where I have been simply intoxicated by a man's cologne. The first was in Goodwill. The second in the library. And most recently, tonight in another thrift store, Plato's Closet.

It was not the same man (don't worry, I checked).

So enamored by this scent, I found myself literally following him, just to hold on to the smell a little longer. In fact, I am the proud owner of a new jacket located directly next to where he was standing. (I officially sound like a stalker)

And so my question to you is this: Is it completely inappropriate to compliment him and even ask what cologne he is wearing? I need a line. Because otherwise, I will be forced to spend every weekend at the major department stores until I find this cologne!!

p.s. Let this be a tip for you, men. Cologne should be part of your daily wear! (not merely for special occasions). We women melt.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Observations on student life

(a.k.a. the counseling student vs the M.Div guy)

Note: based upon years of research. I am not prejudiced. You can trust this.

On Facial Features:
  • Counseling students tend to have (1) large smiles or (2) perfect teeth. Best case scenario: large smile with perfect teeth. Counseling students smile a lot (through roughly 88% of the conversation). This is their way of non-verbally demonstrating that they like you, they feel your pain/satisfaction/anger/hope/hunger/cold/happiness/fear/headache, and the smile is a natural response to their personal joy in counting your 5 minute conversation toward their 6,000 hours needed to graduate.
  • M.Div students don't smile at women. If the woman is single, a smile might lead her on. If the woman is married, he runs the risk of defrauding another man's wife.
On Daily Wear:
  • Standard attire for M.Div: khaki shorts, polo shirt (or t-shirt), running shoes or sandals. Attire reflects the youthful attitude needed for ministry these days as well as providing an easy transition to the golf course (also a ministry necessity). Running shoes bonus--provides a quick exit if a woman is spotted.
  • Standard attire for counseling students: pearls (only for the women)
On Vocabulary:
  • The average M.Div student mentions "John Calvin", "megachurch", "quasi-emergent", and "ordination" roughly 7.4 times a day. Those looking for an immediate senior position after ordination prefer parsing Greek verbs during a conversation.
  • If someone asks you to debrief a conversation, you are speaking with a counseling student.

Monday, August 25, 2008

On freedom and matters of the heart

Six years ago I set foot on the campus of RTS, not knowing where I was headed or what I was intending to do. Who am I kidding? I didn't even know what Reformed theology was. But (I'm not even joking here), they had a great slogan, good marketing campaign, and I was hooked.

Since graduating, I have traveled to 11 countries, can articulate the doctrines of Reformed theology in a succinct and compelling way, and I use bigger words. By now, I thought I would know where I'm headed or what I'm intending to do, but I don't. And that is precisely what is so freeing about being a student again.

You see, today was my first day back in the same chair, in the same classroom, as relatively the same person. But for the first time, the pressure was off--the pressure to perform; the pressure to prove that I belong even though I am a directionless girl; the pressure to discover God's unique calling on my life.

Granted, those struggles didn't magically go away this go 'round. I still found myself questioning if I belonged, and even though I have nothing to prove academically, in my heart I believe I do. What changed is the radical freedom that comes from knowing--deep down in my knower--that God sees that heart and still loves me. No amount of Bible study, mission trips, or career decisions will make Him love me more and absolutely nothing I can do will make Him love me less. If that's not freedom, I don't know what is.

"You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same."

Here's to living authentic lives.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

a dark day

Why, oh why, did I get mail from a funeral home addressed to "Dear Newcomer"

Is this an omen?

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I spent the entire weekend swing dancing at the sunstate jam, which is pretty much another way of saying that I didn't know there was a muscle around my elbow, but I pulled it. I love taking any sort of classes--dancing, theology, acting, improv--you name it. It's fascinating to me to find these hidden pockets of culture in the Orlando community and tap into them. (Notice the use of 'tap' in an entry about swing? Good.)

One of the best parts of swing dancing is the comments I get from my partner. You might remember these treasures from a couple months ago. And this weekend did not disappoint.

Exhibit A: (Overheard): "So when I dance with you this way, it's just like walking a dog!"

Exhibit B: (with a look of sheer disgust on his face): "You're sweating already?....."

Exhibit C: (after accidently knocking him in the nose)
Muscle t-shirt guy: "Oooohhh!"
Me: "Oh, I'm so sorry!"
Muscle t-shirt guy: "Ahh.....eee....shi*$*%*" (a little too dramatic, even for me)
Me: "oh please. you're fine."
Muscle t-shirt guy: "Well, will you at least tell me if I have a bloody nose from this?"
Me: "Yes. Now let's dance."

Exhibit D: (after having danced exactly one song on the dance floor) "Wow! They have you working hard! You've worked up quite the sweat! Can I have this dance or are you too tired?"

And my personal favorite......

Exhibit E: "We just had an entire class on walking. (condescending look) So, how did you do?"

Monday, August 4, 2008

Historical moment

Official Announcement: I enjoy cooking.

Yep, you read that right. Such needless drama all these years. The missing ingredient? My own kitchen.

I'm sure you naysayers are skeptical on the menu. Tonight's dish: cilantro chicken over a bed of rice and green beans sprinkled with parmesan & romano, served with Turkish tea. I consider this a marked improvement over the last time friends came over for dinner.
  • No blood? Check!
  • No exploding liquids? Check!
  • No mad dashes to the internet to look up how-to videos on chopping vegetables and teaspoon conversions? Check, Check!
Now, if only I hadn't turned my dining room into a library......(I'm not kidding)